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She proffered her neck towards him. What can she be? The wife of a country tradesman, or a duchess? And such a meek little husband too. The coachman answered by a surly grunt, and, plying his whip with redoubled zeal, shaped his course down Dyot Street; traversed that part of Holborn, which is now called Broad Street, and where two ancient alms-houses were, then, standing in the middle of that great thoroughfare, exactly opposite the opening of Compston Street; and, diving under a wide gateway on the left, soon reached a more open space, surrounded by mean habitations, coach-houses and stables, called Kendrick Yard, at the further end of which Saint Giles's round-house was situated. He forgot Annabel’s idle attempts at love-making, all the cul-de-sac gallantry of the moment. O'Higgins. All these circumstances,—slight in themselves, but powerful in their effect,—touched the heart of the widowed carpenter, and added to his depression. "Look quick, d—n you, or we shall never master him!" "Murder!" shrieked Mrs. “No, no, no. He embraced her fully. Forthwith he presented his card.